The audience is the amount of viewers that visit your blog constantly. Gathering information about them (like where they are from, which are the most visited posts, at what hour does the blog has more visitors?) can help you to attract more visitors and to create content that will suit the tastes and preferences of your viewers.
In my case, Effortless gets the most views when the posts are up between 6 and 9 p.m. Most viewers are from Argentina, USA and Spain and the posts that get more views are typically the ones that are related to fashion trends.
By this I understood the need of keep posting intresting content about new trends on the fashion, beauty or the music industry. This posts have to be daily or at least 3 times a week in order to increase the amount of followers both on my blog and social media sites. Also, I must include hashtags and share the link to the post in all of my social media platforms.
This assignment helped me understand the importance of consistency on the online world and the taste of my viewers, which will help me to keep creating creative and innovative content for all of you!
Thanks for being there, at the other side of the screen. I really appreciate it!
Stay Groovy,
Disclaimer: This post is part of an assigment for Teen Vogue and Parsons School Of Design Fashion Certificate Course.